Plot inspections are carried out at least three times a year. They are a necessary part of ensuring that the allotments are fulfilling their role as a place to grow vegetables, fruits & flowers.
If you are cultivating your plot and an adjacent plot is overgrown with weeds, sending unwanted weeds and seeds into your plot, most people wouldn’t be very happy.
Plot holders in this situation will complain and wonder why nothing has been done about it. Well, this is one of the reasons for plot inspections!
We are trying to ensure that our allotments are a thriving place with all or almost all plots being cultivated in some form and being managed by plot holders. By going around at least three times a year and looking at how people are using their plots, we try and make sure that all plots are cultivated and managed.
There are over 140 plots to inspect and inspection of these plots can take 3 to 4 hours. The results are put together on a summary spreadsheet for discussion at the following committee meeting.
Warning letters are then issued to plots requiring work, these range from what appear to be abandoned plots, completely overgrown, to those which have been cultivated in the past but haven’t been worked for a considerable while with weeds and grass taking over the plot.
The letters issued ask if there are reasons why the plot has been left; for instance the plot holder may have been unwell or have had family problems and the committee will take this into consideration.
The first letter requires the plot holder to attend to the weeds that are growing and potentially affecting neighbouring plots. The committee expect this to be done in a timely manner usually within 28 days. If nothing is done then a second letter will be sent out.
The second warning letter requires the plot holder to show a noticeable improvement of cultivation within 28 days where the plot must be weed free, clear of rubbish and look generally well managed, where cultivation means digging the beds, removing the weeds and planting crops. These can be fruit, vegetables or flowers. Approximately 75% of your plot should be cultivated. Unfortunately if there is no sign of improvement then the plot holders’ tenancy will terminated and they are given 14 days to remove their tools etc from the plot. The plot then becomes available for new tenants to rent.
Hopefully this clarifies the reasons for plot inspections and you can appreciate how much work is involved. We also have people who thank us for sending them a letter as it was just the push they needed to get going on their plot again! There’s nothing quite like being out in the sunshine working or resting on your plot.