Constitution & Rules


The following rules relate to the running of the Society and its membership.

  1. The name of the Society shall be Spondon Horticultural Society.

(Incorporating the Lousie Greaves and Wastefields sites)

The objectives of the Society:-

To promote the interests of all members in their gardening activities and to take joint
action for the benefit of the members.

To conduct negotiations with the Landlords (Spondon Relief in Need) for the use of
allotment land.

To take action where possible to protect members against trespass, damage and theft.

To arrange competitions and social events.

To co-operate with other gardening organisations in matters of mutual interest.

  1. The membership of the Society shall consist of such persons whose applications for membership are approved by a minimum of three committee members.
  2. Every member shall on entry into the Society, pay an annual subscription agreed at the
    AGM, and will be renewable on or before the 25th March each year. The Society is affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society.
  3. The committee is responsible to the Landlord for the annual collection of plot rents. The committee is responsible for setting the amount of rent after the Landlords site rent has been notified.
  4. Any member who is one month in arrears with his/her subscription or plot rent shall be held to have ceased to be a member or plot holder, unless an explanation is given in writing to the Secretary of extenuating circumstances.
  5. The officers of the Society shall be: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Show Secretary and Site Managers for each site. The committee shall consist of representatives
    from both allotment sites. The committee shall consist of not less than seven members.
    All committee members shall retire at the AGM and be eligible for re-election. In
    committee meetings a quorum shall have five members.
  6. An auditor shall be appointed who is not a member of the committee, to audit the accounts
    and attend the AGM if possible.
  7. The AGM shall be held within two months of the end of the financial year (31 December).
    Ten members shall form a quorum at the AGM, at which the Audited accounts and the Secretary’s report shall be submitted and the officers elected for the ensuing year.
    An Extraordinary general meeting shall be called on the request, in writing, to the Secretary, of at least ten members.
    No party political or sectarian discussions shall be raised or resolutions proposed at either committee meetings or the AGM.

The committee shall open a banking or building society account in the name of the Society and all monies received from any source on behalf of the Society shall be paid into it. Cheques and withdrawals from the account shall be signed by any two of three signatories.

SHS Constitution & Rules Updated October 2001