Termination Policy

Policy Title:             Termination Policy

This policy applies to all instances where members of Spondon Horticultural Society, and probationary members, contravene the Constitution, Tenancy Rules or Policies.

Where a plot holder allows their plot to become overgrown, is not being actively cultivated to the required level, is untidy, unsafe or fails to comply with Constitution, Rules and other Policies, they will be subject to this Termination Policy.


(Stage 1) ‘Tidy Up’ or advisory letter

If we find your plot is not being worked according to the rules, we will issue an informal advisory letter asking you to tidy up, improve your plot or put things right within 28 days. We will revisit your plot approximately 4 weeks after sending the letter. Upon re-inspection, if the plot has improved significantly, no further action will be taken.

If there are any extenuating circumstances, these should be notified in writing to the secretary and the committee will take them into account.

If in future your allotment plot becomes untidy, or the problem occurs again, we will go straight to stage 2 (Improvement Notice).  You will not be sent the ‘Tidy Up’ letter on any future occasions.


(Stage 2) Improvement notice

If following stage 1 your plot has not improved significantly we will issue a formal 28 Day improvement notice or a formal warning and we will visit approximately 4 weeks later. If your allotment plot has improved significantly no further action will be taken.

  • If, for the following calendar year, the plotholder again allows their plot to get into poor condition, or fails to comply with the rules, a Stage 2 Improvement Notice will be repeated.
  • If, for a third consecutive year, the plotholder again allows their plot to get into poor condition, or fails to comply with the rules they will be automatically issued with an Eviction Notice and Stage 1 and Stage 2 will not apply.


(Stage 3) Eviction notice

If following Stage 2 your plot has not improved significantly, we will issue an eviction notice which means you will have to leave your plot. We will give you 28 days to clear the plot of any personal items along with all rubbish. The gate key shall be returned to the Site Manager for a deposit refund. No partial rent refunds will be given. The decision of the committee is final.





Amendment Record

New Document – Issued February 2024