2025 Plant Sale

24th MAY 2025
10.00am – 1.00pm

We are again looking for volunteers who can grow a few extra plants for selling, bake some cakes for our refreshment stall or give their time on the day for a few hours to help with sales etc.
See the lists below for the types of plants we are hoping to sell, but anything will be gratefully received. Please indicate what you could grow and roughly how many trays (eg. 2)

Runner Beans
Marigolds (African & French)
BrassicasLobelia (all colours)
SquashSweet Pea
Tomatoes (Any)Sunflower
Any other not listed above (please state)Any other annual/perennial
not listed (please state)

Could we please ask that if possible when bringing your plants to us you can indicate what they are as due to the similarity of some of the young plants it can be very difficult to identify them. Just a simple piece of paper attached to the tray with the name written on will suffice. Please indicate if you would be able to bake a cake (or cakes) and what type/how many, for the refreshment stall.
Please indicate if you would be able to spare a few hours on the day for general help with plant sales, serving teas and manning entry gates. Please provide as a rough guide, the time you would be available to do this.