- Plot rents are to be paid on or before the rent day as notified by the committee. Rent day is notified in the AGM notice and a few weeks before the due date, on the noticeboards and attached to site gates. If unable to pay on rent day, see a committee member prior to the due date.
- Plot holders failing to pay the appropriate rent within one month of the due date are deemed to have not renewed their tenancy and the plot and its contents revert to the society.
- Anyone who is offered a plot will be subject to a 12 month probationary period from the date of signing up to these rules of tenancy. It is expected that the new probationary plotholder will make, regular and satisfactory progress on the plot during the probationary period. Consideration will be given as to the state of the plot at commencement of the tenancy when assessing what is deemed to be satisfactory progress. As with all plots, regular inspections during the 12 month period would be carried out. The inspections may result in letters being issued to the probationary plot holder in accordance with the Termination Policy. Unsatisfactory or untimely resolution of any issues that are reported to the plot holder via Stage 1 or Stage 2 letters would mean that the tenancy will cease and the plot holder would be issued with a Stage 3 Eviction Notice.
- Bonfires – Plot holders lighting a bonfire shall strictly comply with the Society’s separate Bonfire Policy which is posted on the notice board. This policy provides guidance and a set of rules as to how, when and where bonfires can/cannot be made on any allotment plot.
- Allotments are not to be used for the purpose of any trade or business except for the distribution of seeds, fertilizers, tools etc. by the society to its members.
- No mineral, gravel, sand, earth or clay shall be carried away or brought to the allotments (other than for horticultural composts and manures). Allotments are not to be used as storage for building, or other materials.
- Your Plot – Plot holders shall keep their whole plot and paths, tidy, safe (hazard free), and reasonably free of flowering weeds. The plot shall be cultivated with a minimum of two thirds in cultivation and evidence of activity on the plot during the months March to October. Plots must be cropped and harvested during the growing season. It is not sufficient to simply keep the plot clear of weeds, or covered, and left unplanted. Greenhouses and poly tunnels are considered part of the two thirds cultivation. Where there is grass below fruit bushes, or fruit trees, it must be properly maintained. Where there is grass, in any other case, it is not considered as being included within the two thirds cultivation and must be regularly maintained. Annual or infrequent strimming of any grassed area is not deemed to be sufficient. Plots shall not contain excessive non-horticultural materials. Carpets, or other similar synthetic materials, are not allowed on site for use as weed suppression. Any use of commercial weed suppressant material, such as plastic sheeting or membrane, that is being used to temporarily cover a cultivated area, shall not be covered in soil or be allowed to become grassed or weeded over. The membrane must be on the surface so that it can be seen and easily removed when required. The committee will inspect all plots at regular intervals throughout each year. When a plot is identified by the committee as not meeting the criteria described herein, the plot holder will be subject to the action as set out in the society’s Termination Policy.
- Anyone vacating their plot should notify the secretary in writing. Unless the member waives this right, he/she has four weeks to remove goods and chattels from the plot leaving it in good order with all rubbish having been removed, finally returning the gate key to the site manager for deposit refund. Be aware that the plot is liable to re-let immediately after the key has been returned and nothing further may be removed from the plot. It is not possible for the committee to refund any portion of the rent for the remainder of the year to anyone leaving the plot for whatever reason. Should the member leave the plot by reason of serious illness or death, then the members immediate family may be allowed to continue to cultivate the plot until the next rent day when the position will be should be clarified by any officer of the society. If a member decides to give their plot up at rent day, then the member is presumed to have already cleared their plot and the four week rule does not apply. However, notice of this decision must still be made in writing to the secretary or the treasurer on or before rent day. Please be aware that it is not sufficient to tell a neighbouring plot holder.
- Paths between plots are to be maintained in an orderly manner, kept straight, preferably of grass (approx. 2ft wide). Concrete slabs are acceptable providing they are laid in a safe manner. No existing paths are to be removed. When facing north, the right hand path belongs to the plot and is your responsibility to maintain in a safe manner.
- Subletting of plots is not allowed. Any amendments of plots or plot swapping can only be authorised by the committee. Anyone assisting a plot holder must become an associate member of the society and pay an annual subscription.
- Animals: Dogs are welcome but must be kept under strict control and on the owners plot at all times. No fouling of the site, road ways or paths. In case of “accidental” fouling, please remove and use the dog bin by the green shed gate.
- In the unfortunate event that a plot holder commits vandalism, nuisance or theft from a fellow gardener, the offender faces immediate expulsion from the site and the society.
- For security reasons the gates are to be kept locked at all times.
- To protect site driveways from damage in winter when the land is soft, posts are liable to be erected to prevent vehicular access from November to March and other times as ground conditions require it. In exceptional circumstances, apply to committee members for access. Please ensure that deliveries of manure are completed outside these dates as the tractor/trailer can be damaging to soft ground.
- The speed limit is 5 miles per hour is to be observed at all times. No parking on the roadway unless loading /unloading. Please remove your car from roadway as soon as possible.
- Grievance Procedure. Any plot holder/member having a grievance about any matters relating to the society or its members should submit their grievance in writing to the secretary. This matter will then be raised at the next committee meeting or earlier if warranted; and the outcome notified to the parties concerned.
- Plot holders bringing children onto site should be aware of dangers, for example, water containers, glass, wire and traffic on the internal road ways. Plot holders must take full responsibility for children in their charge and confine their activity to their own plot at all times for their own safety.
- Spondon Horticultural Society (SHS) will take no responsibility for plot holder’s use of poisonous substances i.e. rat poison etc. and ask that if used the safety instructions are strictly adhered to and that the substance used is confined to the owners shed and stored in a safe manner under lock and key. Under no circumstances should substances not available to the general public be brought on to the site; the only exception would be under the control of a legally authorised pest control officer appointed by the committee.
- No timber or other trees on the allotment boundaries shall be cut or pruned without permission of the committee. The planting of non-productive trees and hedges is not allowed. Existing trees and hedges will be subject to review by the committee, and must be kept within respectable bounds and not encroach into neighbouring plots or cast undue shade. Fruit bearing trees, apples, plums etc. are classed as productive and are not restricted.
- The use of carpet for paths, ground covers and compost covers is not acceptable; they constitute a hazard in wet weather and possible soil contamination and will encourage vermin and you will be asked to remove such items.
- No domestic cooked food waste to be composted on site. This is attracting vermin to reside in compost bins and surrounding areas.
- The use of air rifles is strictly prohibited on any part of the allotment sites as are bows, crossbows and any other barrelled weapon of any description from which a shot, bullet or other missile, can be discharged. For the purposes of this rule the allotments are classed as public spaces therefore the laws and regulations as apply to public spaces also apply on the allotment site. Anyone found to be contravening this rule will have their tenancy terminated with immediate effect.
Amendment Record
Update October 2001
Revised March 2008
Revised February 2011
Revised February 2022 – Rule 4 amended to refer to separate bonfire policy and new rule 22 added.
Revised February 2024 – Rule 3 & 7 amended to include probationary period and enhanced plot rules.